Category Archives: news

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is over, but not in real life; The New York Times wants to know about “Anderson”

Everyone should be marching and saluting now that “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is over in the military.

Check out my latest column on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund blog:

More fuel for that Model Minority Myth: We’re No.1! Asian Americans tops in U.S. for median household income. So why don’t I feel rich?

You know the Model Minority Myth.  The myth perpetrators, mostly conservative whites, put us up on a pedestal as the shining example of minority achievement. They  talk about how Asian Americans are so great, and imply to other people of color that they should follow our example, and act like us.

But it’s a myth, we aren’t all that, and we spend most of our lives trying to live down the MMM.

Now with the Census Bureau’s release that more and more Americans are living in poverty, there is a bit of MMM bait that you might see used. 

Did you see it stick out like a burnt potsticker? 

Asian Americans are again No.1 in median household incomes in the U.S., a trend that began in 2000 and continues.

We’re rich! We’re better than whites! Hip-hip-hooray?

Asian Americans are supposed to be number-types, but only the most wretched Tiger Moms and Dads would take pride in those stats.

As usual, the Census numbers obscure some truths about the community.

No matter how high the median income, there’s still plenty of pain.

Read more in my amok column on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund blog….

It takes a village to deadlift a burning BMW in order to save a fallen motorcyclist in Utah


In this video, which one of these innocent bystanders would you be?  If you saw a situation like this, how would you act?

Would you be at the front lifting the car? In the back rooting on?

Or would you have given up and walked away, not wanting to get involved in an impossible situation that clearly isn’t your business anyway. Can you deadlift a burning BMW by yourself? Is that a good reason not to get involved?

What if we all pitch in?

It’s a little of that 9/11 spirit in action just a few days after.

It is now 9-12. Back to the diversions…the NFL, the dying SF Giants, and coming to the aid of a real charity– “Kate plus 8”

Yesterday was appropriately somber.

Let’s see if we can keep up the memory of 9-11 long enough to let the spirit of unity seep into all the things that polarize us and keep us a part…at least politically.

Yesterday, the diversions came back. Football was an escape—from baseball. My SF Giants won, but they’re on an egg-timer running out of sand.  Attention turns to the gridiron.  Hey what about that Cam Newton? People doubted his smarts. The guy is the real deal.  The 49ers win, but not because of Alex Smith. Ted Ginn Jr., take a bow. The Jets come to life on a Reavis INT. Hey what about that Cam Newton?

The morning news tries to revive American Jobs Act in the news cycle. I think Obama should have added reality TV stars to the list right after teacher layoffs.

Did you see poor Kate Gosselin on “The Today Show”?  Her shows being cancelled tonight and she’s out of a job. Boo-hoo.

Pathetic.  It may as well be a job interview.

The gal had the gall to dis her ex- who said it’s good that the kids could have a normal life. Instead of seconding the thought, Kate rails on about how John wants a “mediocre” life for his kids, and how going back to “normal” is cruel and unusual for the now reality TV addicted Kate and family.

I felt sad for the hapa kids who now have a media mother who has been sucked into the consumer culture big time. Reality is no longer good enough. Only the fake world  satisfies. 

Maybe we can find her a half-way house, a show on local cable. Or maybe a YOUTUBE channel.

The best idea to avoid John’s idea of “mediocre,” is to pimp herself and the kids out to a “mediocre” reality show. Since interracial forays are her thing, maybe she can hook-up with FlavaFlav and his big clock on BET? Or maybe Erik Estrada or George Lopez would like to do something with her on Telemundo. Or maybe she can have celebrity babysitters. The Kardashians? All of them.

But I think it’s sad for the half-Asian kids.

Their lives could use a different kind of Tiger Mom.