Inconvenient moment: Obama misses chance to have the “national” conversation

The Beer Summit? The “teachable moment”? What happened?

What we’ve learned is when the Obama folks want to kill a story, it gets done.  Not any different from the campaign.  So  with the health care debate flagging and approval ratings dipping, this was just not the time to have that  national conversation on race many of us want to see happen.

The Gates/Crowley affiar was a real opportunity. But as  soon as Obama could frame the issue to his satisfaction, it seems he couldn’t get rid of it fast enough.

Once again, the “race avoider” reverted back to form. Obama prefers race in a minor key.  With a deft political hand he  soothed over his stupid comment on the Gates arrest by offerring a beer.  But then he dashed our hopes by diminishing its importance. He kept the Thursday meeting private and offerred up to the press some diplomatic theatrics with the red-suited President of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

It all aided in Obama’s slieight of hand.The man prefers to stay focused on his agenda.

Race? It returns  to the backburner for now until another  Gates/Crowley-type moment bubbles up in America.