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Emil Guillermo’s Amok: Since when did the “S” in TSA stand for sex? On pat-downs, victimization, and oh yes, that thing called the Fourth Amendment

So are you going through security this week in nothing but your birthday suit in protest to those pat-downs? Or do you want the pat-down?

Do you think some lonely people are taking red-eyes just for the late night pat-down?

Read my take on the TSA issue on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund site’s blog at


Strange how the new angle being reported this morning  is about the “poor abused TSA agent,” as if victimization will get them some sympathy. It’s not my fault they end up being the face and fingers of a hapless bureaucracy.

A frequent flyer I know today in Florida told me how clueless these people really are.  A lot depends on who you get and where you are. These people are human, not robots. So the chances of getting a closet sex offender is actually pretty high. The flyer I know said she went through a full body scan and then was told she had to do the pat-down too. A double dose of intrusion.

When the flyer protested, TSA backed down. So now it’s optional? Or were they overreaching for the pat-down? Do you get the sense they are making it up as they go?

So be assertive. Know your rights.

Funny how most stories never mention anything about the Fourth Amendment and illegal search. Is all that out the window? It isn’t unless you want to give up your rights freely.

Also note how the leading voices on this issue against the pat-downs seems to be Republicans. I haven’t heard many Democrats speak out against it. And Obama? From this weekends comments, he feels your pain, flyer. But the grope? The green light’s still on.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17

  • Pls ban cliche #lightsout as in "Cain pitched lights out." If I had a dollar every time used on#knbr#csnbayarea,I could pay my pge bill. #
  • I've had to decompress since Friday from my #SFGiants stress. Now I see clearly.#NLCS: Split first two. 2 of 3 at home. Win game 6.TimmyMVP. #
  • #CaGovDebate Whitman fails on her non-voting and her hiring of an illegal.Before governor, maybe she should try out for Jr.League pres? #
  • #CaGovDebate Whitman never answers directly.Loves fake outrage of Whoregate. Whore is the "n"word? On what street corner in Menlo Atherton? #
  • Whoregate fake issue in #CAgovdebate Whore is a "p" word not "n" word. Can we even tell who said what in prvt recording? Fake Meg outrage. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-10

  • #sfgiants fans got complacent with 4-0 lead. Took foot offf Braves throat. Big diff from post-game yesterday. Losing=buzzkill. Subdued fri. #
  • Sloppy play. The #torture begins?#sfgiants please get it together. #
  • @DamonBruce but not if eddie matthews, hank aaron, and koe adcock. in reply to DamonBruce #
  • Ballpark is dead. Have #sfgiants peaked too soon 2nite? Sloppy play cost Cain a run. #
  • All going #sfgiants way. 1B call, Cox ejection, Burrell homer, Cain single. Must be the pompoms. No #torture tonite. ATT=pleasure palace. #
  • Timmy gives good #torture in 9th.His Filipino side was working tonight. Untouchable.#sfgiants in 4? #
  • Timmy in for 9th and not Wilson? #torture sfgiabts #
  • RT @emilamok:Freezing in center field under re max sign. #icedtorture Ross'single provides heat. Crowd treats it like grand slam.#sfgiants #
  • Freezing in center field under re max balloon. #iced torture. Ross rbi single provides heat. Crowd treats it like a grand slam. #
  • R #Blue Angels here to root on #sfgiants or is this just the annual needless glorification of war as loud, empty rush hour entertainment? #

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