Tag Archives: Robert Aaron Long

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok: Show 107-Mindful about Simone and Suni, Covid and Cuomo; Show 106–Cuomo Denies Allegations; Show 105–Biles’ comeback; The stereotypes Suni busted; And we talk evictions; Show 104–Suni’s day, her message; Covid Duterte style; St.Paul and the Hmong; Show 103–Suni, Suni, Suni; Responding to readers of my column on the Hate Crime Dodge of Atlanta Killer Robert Aaron Long and his plea deal; It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout–Live (recorded).

SHOW 107: Aug 4. I read from my “Mindful about Suni and Simone” column and more….

SHOW 106: Aug 3, 2021 Cuomo On Defense; More Olympics; More

SHOW 105: The Biles announcement; The stereotypes Suni Lee Smashed; Eviciton moratorium.

SHOW 104- Suni, St. Paul, the Hmong, Duterte, Covid

SHOW 103: Suni’s Gold; My take on ROBERT AARON LONG (Atlanta Killer) Plea

READ MY COLUMNS ON THE Asian American Legal Defense and Education fund website.

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok: Show 101–Atlanta Spa Killer pleads guilty, gets life w/o parole for 4 deaths. But no hate crimes? Also, mindful for Biles, and Jan.6 Bile; Show 100– Asian American Filipina and a Pinay take historic gold medals in foil and weightlifting. But I’m more interested in the gold medal for Public Health. It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout.

Show 101: Tuesday;July 26, 2021 Atlanta Plea? Biles, Jan. 6 Bile, and more Olympics.

SHOW 100 July 25, 2021…. technical issue with picture.So listen.

READ MY Column on Olympics here.

More on Tuesday on the Olympics, and Asian American Mental Health talk at a weekend meetup.