Category Archives: news

Remembering the horror and the love of 9/11

I wrote this piece on 9/11/2011   in time for the tenth anniversary last year. 

Originally on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund blog, I’m posting it again, because my sentiments haven’t changed.

But some things have changed. Funny, how Rick Perry was considered the GOP  front-runner last year.

This year, both political conventions (but especially the Democrats) tried to use the idea that “we’re all in this together,” to describe where we are  as a country.

That’s a nice thought, but  to say “we’re all in this together” seems so fake. There’s nothing better than taking a moment to remember  9/11 to remind us what that phrase means for real.


I had dinner there a number of times. I’d seen the view. I just can’t imagine people leaping from the World Trade Center towers.

For me, that’s the lingering and most horrific image of 9/11.  A distressed person in silhouette, taking wing, dropping from the sky in free fall, praying for a soft landing. I’ve only seen it in photographs, moving and still. I can’t imagine looking up to witness it in person.

But doesn’t the image seem to describe where we all are, at least figuratively, ten years after?

I was in California, spared the close-up intimacy of the tragedy. But believe me, you didn’t have to be at Ground Zero, or know someone in the towers or in one of the planes, to be impacted.

We’ve all felt the slow burn of 9/11 the last ten years.

As a show of its true evil, the day’s dark cloud seems to hover over just about everything.

At Wednesday’s GOP debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, riding politics’ third rail to frontrunner status, called Social Security “a Ponzi scheme.”  But if we’re short there, it’s due to borrowing so heavily to finance an ill-advised and ongoing war that George W. Bush falsely justified with the tragedy of 9/11.

When President Obama calls for the American Jobs Act with his speech tonight and offers up a $300 billion dollar plan to stimulate the economy, Republicans will no doubt grouse and say they won’t pay a dime in the face of our historic national debt.  But again, we’re only in this mess because of the war spending after 9/11 that Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz conservatively estimates has cost more than $3.5 trillion.

Ten years later, 9/11’s impact is still with us.  Our economy is crawling; our democracy, with affronts to civil liberties, limps along. Our tolerance levels are low; our distrust of others high.

The tenth anniversary couldn’t come at a better time.

We need to feel the way we did on 9/11.

At the height of evil came the height of our humanity. There were no divisions, no labels. We were all connected.
We need to feel that way again.

Some New Yorkers say they noticed the change instantly that day. People you never spoke to, you reached out and saved their lives. Or you were merely considerate to the extreme, nice even. It was as if people were from another planet, or in a good behavior zone during a time of national mourning.

People started to care for people more genuinely. It was the good that comes out of the bad.

It was a kind of public love. People realized we were one.

But President Bush and other politicos saw the feeling that day as cause for the kind of patriotism that leads to jingoism. It brought on the overreaction to an exaggerated sense of threat. He overlooked the fact that the evil was an affront not just to our nation, but to all humanity. Bush took it personally and misread the world.

But then so did many others. 

The President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders points out that the FBI found a 17-fold increase in hate crimes against American Muslims immediately after 9/11.
Over the past ten years, the Department of Justice has investigated more than 800 incidents involving violence, threats, vandalism, and arson, obtaining 47 convictions.

That’s good. But this is the same DOJ that enforces the insidious Patriot Act and the surveillance and wiretap efforts under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This week, DOJ bragged about how since 9/11 it has created its first new division in 50 years (the National Security Division). That’s not the kind of job creation I was hoping for. Instead of protecting the innocent by raising the bar, the DOJ boasts how it has lowered the FISA “wall” between intelligence and law enforcement investigation. Raising the bar to protect the innocent is much preferred. But the government is stuck in the “us vs. them” perspective, the one that runs counter to the best aspects of the 9/11 feeling.

It may have been easier for Asian Americans to feel the kind of empathy I’m talking about. After the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, how could we not feel empathy for Muslim Americans, many from South or West Asia?

Perhaps it’s easier if you were like Stanley Praimnath. Featured in a 2002 Frontline documentary, Praimnath was caught in the towers but punched through a wall. His hand found Brian Clark, a man he’d never met. Clark grabbed Praimnath’s hand and pulled him to safety.

Just one of the stories of humanity triumphing over evil that day ten years ago.

It was such a strong feeling, and it was happening all over town.

Recapturing that feeling again may help us solve the lesser problems that threaten to fracture and doom us today. But it’s a surprise how quickly the feeling eludes us.

How else can we explain the inequality that has only grown worse in the last ten years?
There are 25 million unemployed. Economist Robert Reich calls it the worst decade for American workers in a century. Meanwhile, CEO pay is up 10 percent. Bonuses are up nearly 20 percent.

In California, where there are more foreclosures and upside down mortgages than anywhere else in the nation, the state remains the epitome of the housing crisis.

The financial pressures are high. You don’t need a terrorist to make you want to jump from the roof.

Forget the evil and the hate. There are lots of people today who could use the love of 9/11. The tenth anniversary gives us a chance to connect to that feeling again.

Sports: Asian-spotting the NFL: Claiming Robert Griffin III

By his place of birth, Redskin quarterback Robert Griffin III could be an Asian American.

Born in Japan, where his parents were serving in the Army, Griffin and his family moved back to the U.S. and lived in a number of places before settling on Texas.

Certainly, there are no shortage Asian American/Pacific Islander lineman and defensive stars in the league. But who wants to root for blockers all day? After his first day on the job, RGIII is going to be a massive offensive star in the NFL.

Before things get out of hand and he does more than Subway commercials, Asian Americans should just outright claim RGIII as one of ours.

We should learn from the Tiger Woods lesson. Let’s get him to at least acknowledge he’s an “NFL-sei.”

Why not? If he were born in Mexico, the GOP would call him Mexican and want him deported. Especially, if the immigration officials weren’t Redskins fans. Oh, and by the way, that name Redskins. Still? Really? You can’t be diversity’s team with a name like that.

I bet you the guy’s good at math, too.

For his incredible debut, RG3 for Asian American of the Week!


The President’s Speech: Obama’s New Deal–America’s Basic Bargain

(An excerpt from my blog post at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund website).

How good was President Barack Obama’s speech? In many ways, he’s hurt by the same thing that hurts all exceptional people of color who have done extraordinary things. You’re always hampered by such high expectations. And no one is expecting you to get there, again.

With Obama, we’ve been to the oratorical mountain top so many times before. But his acceptance speech this time around was just slightly different.  

At least, no one is struggling to offer such tepid praise like “it was as good as he could do,” as people did with Mitt Romney.

No, Obama gave a fine speech. But in Charlotte this week, his convention surrogates just happened to give a slightly better political speech (Bill Clinton), and a slightly better personal speech (Michelle Obama).

Considering what came before him, the president wasn’t on the ropes. He didn’t have to WOW us in Day Three’s finale.

But his message had to be a little different than the others, too.  He is, after all, the incumbent Commander-In-Chief (which he reminded us matter-of-factly, mostly by honoring our troops throughout his speech, something the GOP failed to do at its convention).

So here was Obama’s mission of the night: In a political season where the over-riding issue is a philosophical one about government, it’s size and its commitment to its people, President Obama simply had to make the case for government and our democracy.

More than just a policy speech, he was giving the civics lesson for our time, making the case for no less than liberty and justice for all— not the Republican idea of liberty and justice for some.

It became the framework of the speech, as the president laid out an “us vs them” choice  “between two fundamentally different visions for the future.”

Said Obama: “Ours is a fight to restore the values that built the largest middle class and the strongest economy the world has ever known, the values my grandfather defended as a soldier in Patton’s Army; the values that drove my grandmother to wrok on a bomber assembly line while he was gone.

They knew they were part of something larger—a nation that triumphed over fascism and depression; a nation where the most innovative businesses turned out the world’s best products, and everyone shared in the pride and success—from the corner office to the factory floor. My grandparents were given the chance to go to college, buy their first home, and fulfill the basic bargain at the heart of America’s story: the promise that hard work will pay off, responsibility will be rewarded, that everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules—from Main Street to Wall Street to Washington, D.C.

“I ran for President because I saw that basic bargain slipping away.”

The basic bargain is Obama’s New Deal.

But we all have to believe we’re in this together and “part of something larger.” It was a sense of community you got from just looking at such a diverse and inclusive convention.  

For Asian Americans, you could see it in the crowd. We were a part of this. And then there was Konrad Ng, the president’s Asian American brother-in-law on the stage at the end looking for someone to hug.  You didn’t see anything like that in Tampa.

Nor did you hear anyone talk like the president did last night in a message to all Americans about what it means to be a citzen of this country.