Tag Archives: Twitter

PODCAST: Arthur Chu, “Jeopardy” Champ, On The Racist Twitter Reaction To His Success, And Racism in General, Part 1

Arthur Chu was in Ohio, still working as a compliance analyst for an insurance company, even though he could have many more appearances on “Jeopardy.”

At the time of our conversation he had amassed in excess of $235,000 in just two weeks of shows.

In Part 1 of our conversation, Chu talked frankly about his sudden fame, and how the initial reaction on the internet to his success was extremely racist.

He said the number of angry tweets actually surprised him. But he was most surprised that people tried to deny that race had anything to do with peoples’ response to him.



Arthur Chu, "Jeopardy" Champ On The Racist Twitter Reaction To His Success, Part 1



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Asiana crash brings out hope and racism on Twitter

The Asiana crash at SFO was once again proof of the kind of service Twitter can provide.

While I wondered if there was any survivors or if there was an Asian American on board  all I needed was a Twitter feed to hear from Samsung exec David Eun, who was on the flight and tweeted this message:

“I just crash landed at SFO. Tail ripped off. Most everyone seems fine. I’m ok…Surreal…”


Eun tweeted more pictures as Twitter served as a social media  “first responder.”


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But I also saw some incredible examples of racism.

Asiana? So they must be Asian drivers.

Here’s one:

 @Coach_Riv: wondering if pilot of this plane that crashed was Asian…they cant drive anything! #NotAStereotype h/t@elonjames





In the end, the Twitterverse is just a reflection of a real life, one where Asians and Asian Americans know all too well can be racist and intolerant.