Category Archives: blog

May Day, May Day! Stand by for news: The night Obama pre-empted Osama

When most Americans were trying to figure out if it would be Donald Trump or “Desperate Housewives,” (Sunday is a TV night, right?) the president chose to make the most dramatic news release of his life.

Only it started as a tease, a stand by notice that lingered and made the imagination race. What could it be?

I knew it could only be about a death.  Or that someone is dying. The current president? Not after the birther victory

Is Biden dead? Would we want to know that soon? The TV folks were restrained, as they should. Then someone mentioned national security, and I knew. It had to be something bigger than Biden. How about Osama bin Laden?

Where were you when you heard?

I regret I was flipping around watching the TVnewsers vamp. And while some preferred restraint (like Wolf Blitzer who wouldn’t go on without multiple independent sources), I had flipped to Geraldo on Fox as he confirmed the news and started high-fiving a guest in his studio.

I wasn’t sure that was appropriate.

I would have liked to have heard from the president first.

But in this digital age, speed is speed. Everyone knows a little something.  Before the president spoke I was already constructing a birther joke: I tweeted it. It went something like…. The president is going to announce that Obama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has the body. Donald Trump wants to know if its the long-form or the short-form.

Before the night is over, there are hundreds of similar variations on Twitter. Even Nick Kristoff of the  NYT had a variation of “longform,shortform.”

And by the time the president was able say, “I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of nnocent men, women, and children,”  he had been scooped.

But  he’s still the big winner, even if the announcement on the West Coast at least,  pre-empted all of  “America’s Next Great Restaurant” and “Desperate Housewives,” but  not Trump’s “Apprentice.”

No worries. The president still got the big show. He pre-empted the terrorist with his own real life “24.”

Royal Wedding of Kate and Guillermo? Couldn’t do it. Not even for another Guillermo. What was 1776 all about? We left all that remember?

I was up. It was there for me to turn on.  I could have seen it live.

Instead, valuing my sleep, I resisted. If I see any of the hooha, I’ll catch a processed snippet. 

That may be  like shunning the cheddar for the Velveeta.  That should make you want to go vegan.  

Cutting out dairy? I cut out the Royal Wedding.

I had zero interest in the Royal Wedding.  The pre-wedding, the wedding-wedding, the post-wedding.

Everything about royalty is anti-democratic.  You’re born into it, unless you sleep into it. We celebrate that?

The royals aren’t particularly pretty, smart, or interesting. Everyone looks like Charles. Even the girls.

Do we really need another distraction? Aren’t the extremely long NHL/NBA playoffs enough?

By the way, hundreds of people are dead in the South, there’s several wars going on, Japan’s a wreck, people are out of work.  Here’s a job for them. Count the number of ugly hats at the Royal Wedding.

What we need in order to get re-focused on what matters is a distraction from  the distraction. Where’s the Tea Party on this issue when we really need them?

Why doesn’t the master of distraction, Donald Trump, turn his focus to the Royals. Someone tell him it’s better to be king than president. He could  raise the virginity issue for kicks as some did when Diana and Charles did their thing. He could demand to see blood test records. Have a reality show for Andrew’s real bride. He could use these antics to establish his foreign policy cred.  If only.

Actually, it’s great that the wedding took place so early in the morning. I wake and I’m done with it, like it never happened.  I’m up and ready for  the honeymoon. 

Maybe, I’d change my mind if William went by the more exotic Guillermo?  Nah.

Have a great day!

The Tyler Clementi/Rutgers suicide story:Hate crime or just an invasion of privacy?

How do you characterize the Tyler Clementi story. He’s the Rutgers student who killed himself last year days after his roommate put video of him romantically engaged with another male on the internet. 

Is it cyber-bullying? An invasion of privacy? Is it a hate crime?

Read my “Amok” column at

Religion as bloodsport: For extreme believers in the Philippines, it wasn’t just a Good Friday, it was a GREAT FRIDAY!

This was the 25th year for Ruben Enaje, professional penitent, to nail himself on the cross.

That’s a record! And steroid-free, I might add.

See my earlier post on what I think about this Filipino ritual.