Tag Archives: Bill Maher

Emil Guillermo: Odd fund-raising pitch from Sen. Ted Cruz–a Bill Maher joke!

Sen. Ted Cruz  is sending out fund-raising e-mails with this joke:

“People have Ted Cruz fever! It’s kind of like that flu bug going around except the sh*t comes out your mouth!” – Real Time with Bill Maher

End result:  No money from me.

But it did soften me to Maher for all his recent generalizations about Muslims.

Maher knows his Ted Cruz disease.

Of course, what does this say about Cruz’s fund-raising tactics–

That he likes to crap on himself?


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Bill Maher’s “Tugabo” boo-boo on Maj.Gen. Anthony Taguba’s American Filipino name

Bill Maher on his “Real Time” show was making a good point. In his end of show rant, Maher was talking about how George W. Bush was a war criminal.

And to back it up he referred to the 2004 Army investigation on Abu Ghraib led by Major General Anthony Taguba.

Only Maher said his name, “Tugaboo.”

Maybe he thought it made for a funnier punch-line?

Not funny. Honest mistake or not.

Maher should figure there’d be a lot of American Filipinos watching the cable channel these days with the reality series on Manny Pacquiao currently running and plugging the fight this weekend.

Pacquiao is one of the few Filipinos who ever merits a mention on mainstream TV. Sunday was a coup for Pacquiao with a huge piece on “60 Minutes.”

But do you think people would be upset if Maher pronounced Manny’s surname “Pac-kwee-ay-oh.”  (Maybe to rhyme with the Harry Belafonte song)?

Taguba is another one of the community’s big names. The general  took on one of the biggest scandals in the Iraq war with honesty and courage. And for that he was forced into early retirement.

I’ve met Taguba, a smart and honest man. And I know he wouldn’t press this. But to have his name brought up to make a point, only to be then be mispronounced and butchered so badly is sad.

Taguba  should be more of a hero to all the U.S., and not just to American Filipinos.

And they should not only remember his name but pronounce it correctly.


An American Filipino name.