Category Archives: politics

That odd SCOTUS health care debate: Do we really want what’s worst for all Americans?

My mom is an idealist when it comes to affordable health care. And she’s unassailable. She died years ago.

But she knew the secret about making sure people got the coverage they needed. It’s called Medicare, though it should be called what it really is: single-payer health care.

It works. It’s not unconstitutional. And it can withstand the Tea Party’s illogical attacks.

While driving the other day,  I saw I sign a Tea Party type put up on the side of the road. It said, “Obama–Hands off my health care!”

Who really likes it the way it is, besides the big corporations? Health care is a large bureacracy that’s too expensive and leaves out way too many Americans. The only way to make it cheaper is if everyone gets in  and all the bad costs are  spread over a wide pool of folks.

The Affordable Care Act took care of that. It may not be perfect, but it expanded the pool and made coverage more fair.

We should be heralding the coming expansion of the ACA in 2014.

But after listening to the Justices the other day, I worry if this court will do the right thing.

This is after all, the court that believes corporations are people.

What was so super about Super Tuesday? Nothing except for Romney’s “passion deficit”

I kept waiting for Super Tuesday to live up to its hype. But it never quite did. Super Tuesday? From a not-so super Wednesday perspective, Tuesday was simply the same dreadful Republican candidates going after a larger number of states and electoral votes. But not really enough to make a difference by driving out pretenders, never mind coronating a presumptive winner.

Was it really that thrilling to see Romney nose out Santorum in Ohio? The fact that Romney wasn’t able to cream Santorum in that state only highlighted Romney’s weak candidacy. Ohio is a state of bread and butter Republicans, the kind like my wife’s Uncle Joe. They are the traditional soul of the party. Hard-working, upper-middle-class to affluent, God-fearing conservatives. White shoe, white belt, country club types who are pro-business. That was Uncle Joe. He died several years ago. A new generation is more small business than big business; blue collar, not white. More radically religious than even a nice protestant. (Interesting that exit polls show Romney winning Catholics, but not evangelicals).

It all means problems for Romney leading up to the convention, no matter how many delegates he has. The majority has a problem liking him. He’s too middle-of-the-road. Not bad enough to outright ignore. Not good enough to wildly support.

In the end, Romney may simply be the candidate with the winning look, stuck in neutral.

He needs a push. Super Tuesday wasn’t it. Maybe he should change his name and get a new political brand.

Is Lincoln taken?

Or instead of trying to please all the people, all ot the time, Romney should let people know what he really stands for.

Right now, I don’t know what he stands for. Look at that tepid response to the Rush Limbaugh situation. He’s for not pissing off Rush, that’s for sure.

Romney has a passion deficit. And it works both ways, back and forth from candidate to electorate. There’s no love connection, folks here.

On Lady Gaga, Rush Limbaugh, and bullying as “racism without color”

The Rush Limbaugh Internet Sex tape story, also known as the failed Sandra Fluke/Attack on women satire, is getting to be all that El Rushbo can handle.  He’s apologized for his statements,  but it’s not good enough.

Limbaugh’s in Limbo. And his story trumps Super Tuesday and the Obama presser.

It’s become  the GOP’s War on Women.

I see it more as people realizing that Limbaugh is just a bully and doing something about it.

It’s about time.

Limbaugh used up his “Get-out-of -jail-free” card when he dodged his OxyContin charges. Now it seems the world is realizing it doesn’t have to take Limbaugh’s crap anymore.

Got a bully story?  Check out my bully story at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund blog where I coin the phrase “Bullying is just racism without color.”

Conversely, racism is bullying in color.