Tag Archives: Dawn Mabalon

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok: Show 114==Model Minority, National Association of Asian American Professionals; Exposing Diversity Deniers; More; Show 113–Afghanistan; Whites drop, Asian Americans rise; Gov. Newsom of Calif. needs AAPI; Show 112–The Census reveals The New America; the “Newish” Deal; Redress, I-Hotel, and Robin Williams’ Flip side. Plus, a giveaway!; Show 111–Dissecting Cuomo’s Resignation; Dawn Mabalon Remembered; Show 110–My Olympic Finale; I coined the phrase “Cuomosexual”; Sunisa Lee–the most famous Asian American in the world? It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout….

Binge Listen/Watch Now! The whole week…..

And don’t forget to read the columns.

SHOW 114: Friday, Aug. 13, 2021, The Model Minority, NAAAP, Celebrating the Census, the Recall, and more! Binge listen now.

SHOW 113: Thursday, Aug.12, 2021, Afghanistan; Whites drop, Asians Rise; Calif. Gov Newsom and the Un-Constitutional Recall.

SHOW 112: Wednesday, Aug.11,2021, The New America is here; Biden’s Sorta Great Society; And your chance to win tix to NAAAP convention.

SHOW 111; Tues, Aug.10,2021 Dissecting Cuomo Resignation; Dawn Mabalon; More!

SHOW 110: Mon., Aug.9, 2021 My Olympic Finale; Coining “Cuomosexual”; Sunisa Lee’s Post Olympic Gold

CHECK OUT my columns on the Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund website.

Emil Guillermo’s Amok Monologues? Get your tickets for the Aug. 17th San Francisco show. One night only. Plus I’ll share some of my Dawn Mabalon memories.

Some proceeds will benefit Manilatown Heritage Foundation, and Dawn Mabalon’s Memorial fund.

For you last minute types… tickets will be at the door at Manilatown 868 Kearny at Jackson St. in San Francisco.

Or you can ….

Get your tickets here.

Here’s what critics say about Emil Guillermo’s  “Amok Monologues: All Pucked UP”:

“Stand-up, monologue, rant?….Enjoy trying to keep pace with Guillermo’s brilliant mind… Funny, poignant.”— Orlando Weekly.
“Keeps audience engaged.” — Orlando Sentinel
“Charismatic…Guillermo’s life is one worth exploring.” — DC Metro Theater Arts
“Excellent…Emil Guillermo knows how to tell a story and that ability sets “Amok Monologues above other solo shows.”  — San Diego Story

Aug. 17,  7:30pm,  Manilatown/I-Hotel,  868 Kearny St. in San Francisco.

Tickets $10, with part of the proceeds to benefit the Manilatown Heritage Foundation.

Click to get your tickets.


I’ve spent most of this week writing about the late Dr. Dawn Mabalon.

If you’ve seen my stories on http:/www.aaldef.org/blog

or on Inquirer.net, you know I had great love and admiration for Dawn and her work.

Aug. 17, Friday would have been her birthday.   So I will share some memories after the “Amok” show when we do a talkback. It’s a little something extra.

This show is a benefit for Manilatown.  But I will make sure some proceeds from the show are given to Dawn’s fund.




Emil Guillermo: Mourning historian and scholar Dawn Mabalon, Filipino American activist and friend; My Manilatown show on Aug. 17th dedicated to her memory.

I’m crestfallen, recovering from the news that my friend Dawn Mabalon, a tenured professor and scholar in U.S. History at San Francisco State University, specializing in Filipinos in the American Labor movement, has died.

Dawn was a bright, energetic ball of fire who took American Filipinos and U.S. history and fused it with an activist’s passion that empowered the ignored and enlightened the ignorant.


If you didn’t know the story, you finally got it.
If you were heretofore invisible, you were finally seen.

She didn’t bother with the veritable first draft of history, a/k/a “the news.” Dawn, who originally set out to be a journalist, looked to make a lasting impact.  She got her Ph.D at Stanford and scaled the high bar of the academy. She produced legit scholarship about us in the United States, as if we really mattered.

Dawn Mabalon’s 2013 book, “Little Manila is in the Heart: The Making of the Filipino/a American Community in Stockton, California,” presented the forgotten Filipinos of America in an historical context that could not be shoved under any old rock.

It was there for all to see: A brilliant, personal, yet accessible scholarly work.

As I pondered what Dawn meant to Filipino Americans and the telling of the broader Asian American story, someone found a Facebook post of me and Dawn from her 2013 book launch. It was ten years after I first met her when I worked the diversity beat in Stockton. Along with Dillon Delvo, her Little Manila Foundation co-founder, Dawn was a key source as I wrote stories about their successful effort to preserve the blighted blocks of Stockton’s “Little Manila” into an historical district.

Reading it now five years later just made me cry.

If all the dogeared pages of my copy are any proof, I’ve used that book she handed me like a bible. I compared my father’s story of coming to the U.S.  as a colonized American Filipino with the facts from Dawn’s scholarly work. While writing my one man show, “The Amok Monologues,” I often consulted Dawn’s book to make sure I wasn’t just true to heart, but true to history as well.

It’s the reason my Friday performance at San Francisco’s Manilatown  on Aug. 17th at 7:30 pm will be dedicated to her memory.
See the rest of my post at http://www.aaldef.org/blog